Inayatiyya Today
Seven diverse yet inter-related concentrations
- 1. The Inner School of Spiritual Training.
- 2. Ziraat
- 3. Sufi Healing
- 4. Kinship
- 5. Universal Worship
- 6. Chivalry/ The Path of Futuwwah
- 7. Mysticism of Sound and Music
Pir O Murshid Zia Inayat Khan is the Gaddi-Nashin (holder of the seat of spiritual and genealogical succession of the transmittive chain) and recipient of the Nuriyya wa Mashaikhan lineages. The Nuriyya lineage consists of the Chishtiyya, Suhrawardiyya, Qadiriyya, and Naqshbandiyya investitures transmitted to Murshid Inayat Khan by Sayyid Abu Hashim Madani and passed on by him to Pirzadi Noor and Pir Vilayat. The Mashaikhan lineage is the ancestral Yasavi lineage of Murshid Inayat Khan’s paternal ancestors, including Huzur Juma Shah, received by Murshid from his father Shaikh al-Mashaikh Rahmat Khan and afterward upheld by Shaikh al-Mashaik Maheboob Khan, Murshid Muhammad Ali Khan, and Shaikh al-Mashaik Mahmood Khan. The two lineages were reintegrated at Fazal Manzil, the Astana at Suresnes, a few years ago and the Inayatiyya carries the double transmission.
Shajra e Mahashaikhan
- Yuzkhans and bakshıs of the steppe
- The Jum‘ashah Mahashaikhs in India (twelve generations)
- Mahashaikh Ni‘amat Allah khan
- Mahashaikh Bahadur khan
- Mahashaikh Ja‘far khan and Mahashaikh Rahmat Allah khan
- Pir-o-Murshid Shaikh al-Mashaikh Hazrat Inayat khan
- Shaikh-ul-Mashaik Pyarumiyan Maheboob khan
- Pir-o-Murshid Jagirdar Mohammed Ali khan Pir-o-Murshid Musharaff Moulamia khan
- Shaikh al-Mashaik Mahmood khan
- Shaikh al-Mashaik Zia Inayat khan