Inayatiyya Today


We bow to the current of luminous guidance that moves through all of the world’s great wisdom traditions. But perhaps most fundamentally, we share an intuition of interconnectedness: the discernment that we, and all beings, are intimately interrelated in a mysterious oneness that is beyond all fathoming and yet evidenced at every level of creation.
From this perception comes a desire to be of service, in whatever little way one can, to the life of the whole. And in this magical and broken world in which we find ourselves, there is at every turn an opportunity to shake ourselves awake, to bear witness to all that is visibly and invisibly present, and to give our hands over to the work entrusted to us by our sacred ancestors, the friends of God.” Pir O Murshid Zia Inayat Khan.
The Inayatiyya is a global presence of an integral approach to developing spiritual consciousness. Under the headship of Pir O Murshid Zia Inayat Khan, it has redefined itself in an eloquent and clear expression of its classical roots in traditional Sufism; the legacy of Pir O Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan of representing the Sufi Message in the West in the spirit of harmonizing East and West within the reality of the One; the metaphysical impulse of Pir Vilayat in exploring the interface between quantum physics and mysticism and his penchant for inter-faith harmony; and the powerful transmission through Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan’s spiritual initiation in the parallel yet hidden degree of the Feminine line of Sufi heritage.
One of the ground-breaking developments Pir Zia’s personal spiritual impulse can claim is the official inclusion of Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan, daughter of Pir O Murshid Inayat Khan, in the Shajra Sharif. This is a revolutionary step towards reviving the true Sufi tradition of unbiased acknowledgment of both men and women as equal spiritual inheritors. As the legatee of such a rich spiritual heritage, Pir O Murshid Zia Inayat Khan is uniquely positioned to navigate a universal movement towards re-integration of human-consciousness in the Light of the One Wisdom kindling all sacred channels of divine self-expression.

Seven diverse yet inter-related concentrations

The Inayatiyya is an umbrella organization with currently seven diverse yet inter-related concentrations which form the entire gamut of ascension of consciousness in humanity. These are namely:

Pir O Murshid Zia Inayat Khan is the Gaddi-Nashin (holder of the seat of spiritual and genealogical succession of the transmittive chain) and recipient of the Nuriyya wa Mashaikhan lineages. The Nuriyya lineage consists of the Chishtiyya, Suhrawardiyya, Qadiriyya, and Naqshbandiyya investitures transmitted to Murshid Inayat Khan by Sayyid Abu Hashim Madani and passed on by him to Pirzadi Noor and Pir Vilayat. The Mashaikhan lineage is the ancestral Yasavi lineage of Murshid Inayat Khan’s paternal ancestors, including Huzur Juma Shah, received by Murshid from his father Shaikh al-Mashaikh Rahmat Khan and afterward upheld by Shaikh al-Mashaik Maheboob Khan, Murshid Muhammad Ali Khan, and Shaikh al-Mashaik Mahmood Khan. The two lineages were reintegrated at Fazal Manzil, the Astana at Suresnes, a few years ago and the Inayatiyya carries the double transmission.

Pir O Murshid Zia Inayat Khan is the principal head of all activities within the Inayatiyya. All leaders within the Inayatiyya work under his supervision and direction. He resides between our global head-quarters in Richmond, Virgina, USA and our heart-quarters in Suresnes, Paris, France. The Chief Astana is in Richmond, Virginia.
We have representative centres all over the world from the American Continent to Oceania and from Scandinavia to South Asia.

Shajra e Mahashaikhan